Ready to upgrade your summer job?

Lets meet up. We'll show you why selling with Think Pest is the smartest choice!

Call 435-200-4994





-About Think-


The owners of Think Pest Control have been in the sales and pest control industry since 2004. We started as technicians, then choose to give sales a shot. From there we became sales managers, regionals and eventually owners. Our sales experience isn't limited to pest control. We have history in alarms, dish and solar and would be happy to explain why pest control is the best choice for a direct sales job.


Think Pest Control started in 2017 in Denver, CO and has grown to Texas, Utah and Arizona. We thrive on our value, flexibility and great people on our team; providing safe and eco-friendly solutions to homes and businesses throughout the country.


We are dreaming and planning big! We are currently positioned to open in new markets every year and want to establish ourselves as the premier choice for our customers and our sales reps. We are planning to grow nationally and would love for you to be a part of it. For those that choose to grow with us, the opportunity is unlimited.

-Simple Math-


12 sales a week. 15 weeks selling for Think Pest. 


Daily sales average for first year rep.


Daily sales average for returning rep.


Company wide average.

-Why Think-


We offer the highest pay scales in the industry AND an unheard of, two-year override for managers!


We sell in proven top markets PLUS we don't divide the city! Knock in prime area all summer!


Customer service is a top priority and our reviews reflect it!


We provide the latest technology to make your job easier and help you sell more!


We keep our teams smaller so we can provide individual time with our reps!


Wait, what did you say? That's right, we offer first-year reps guaranteed pay!


01 Show Up

When coming to work for us, we understand the opportunity cost. You're giving up a guaranteed "$XXXX" back home. Let us know what you are "giving up," and we will match it and make sure you don't lose. (First Year Reps Only)

02 Work Hard

We want you to work hard, try your best and be a great part of the team. For 99% of people, this will result in an awesome summer. But, if you followed the recipe and it didn't turn out, we have you covered.

03 Difference Paid

We will take the amount we guaranteed, subtract the earnings and pay the difference. Simple as that. We are confident things will work out!

Upcoming Events

JAN 19 Logan Taggart Center 10:00-3:00
FEB 18 Orem UVU 10:00-1:00
FEB 20 St. George DSU 10:00-2:00
MAR 05 Provo BYU 10:00-2:00
MAR 10 Gunnison WCU 10:00-2:00
MAR 11 Ephraim Snow 10:00-2:00
MAR 24 Las Vegas UNLV 10:00-2:00
MAR 26 Ogden WSU 10:00-2:00
JAN 22 Logan TBD 6:00-8:00
MAR 30 Las Vegas UNLV Book a Ticket
MAY 02 Provo BYU Book a Ticket
JUN 07 St George DSU Book a Ticket


Got a question? We’re here to help.
  • Where can we sell this summer?

    Denver, CO - Las Vegas, NV - Phoenix, AZ - Austin, TX - More To Come!

    Denver is our home base and we plan to sell all throughout Colorado in 2020. The Denver, CO metro is one of the fastest growing areas in the country. The area has high wages and a lot of disposable income, making pest control a great service to offer. There are plenty of pest and mild winters are creating huge spider and rodent problems. Plus, Colorado has one of the best customer retention rates of all states, meaning you'll keep the customers you sell!

    Las Vegas is like our second home, as the owners are from there and have tons of ties to the community. Las Vegas is currently one of the fastest growing metro's again and has some of the worst pest problems in the country! We offer competitive pricing and plenty of incentive to win customers over to our service! Vegas is a fun city to spend the summer in and a great place to sell pest control. Yes it's hot, but "it's a dry heat." (Whatever that is!)

  • Where will I live?

    Think selects nice, clean, furnished apartments for our reps to live in. The apartments typically have pools and gyms. Reps are not required to stay in company provided housing.

  • Is your payscale good?

    We've seen some high pay-scales, but ours is usually higher. The reason we can currently offer such high pay is because we are in the beginning of our growth and don't have too many company layers, a Dave and Busters style office or massive overhead. We are passing those expenses on to you. Send us a message to meet up and we'll show you what we pay.

  • How much will I make?

    Ok, maybe not this summer but how hard are you willing to work? The best part of this job is that you control your own results. Our reps have earned anywhere from $10,000 to over $150,000, but we won’t promise you how much you will make. We WILL, however, promise you that any rep who works hard, trains, and has a good attitude will reach their goals and make at least what they would have at another job.

  • When do I get paid?

    Reps are paid a portion of their earnings every 2 weeks during the summer. The remainder of their earnings are paid at the end of the summer in a back-end check.

  • Do you need managers and is there room to grow?

    Whether you have a team, have sold or managed before or are just thinking ahead, we have plenty of space for growth. We are opening new offices every year and would be excited to have you and your team come grow with us!

  • When do we start and end?

    The first day of the summer selling season is typically the first Monday in May and goes until the last weekend in August. We know different schools have different timelines, so we suggest trying to plan at least three months of the summer to work. You can also sell before May and after August, just let us know.

    During the summer, each day we typically begin selling around noon and work until dark. These schedules are created by your manager and may vary from office to office.

  • Will I have any fun?

    Think Pest wants you to enjoy your summer. We will live near great mountain biking for morning rides, have organized team sports, and we will allow you to arrange weekends to go hiking and explore why so many people are moving to Colorado and Nevada This is just the beginning!


Here are some of the incentives we have planned for 2022!


We love to compete and healthy competitions keep things exciting! We will do 3 on 3, The MVP Open, Car Wars, and the Last-Chance Contest to name a few. This job is hard work but it is also a ton of fun!

Personal Incentives

Our program provides personal incentives that help you constantly challenge yourself and reach your goals. The rewards within each level have been strategically placed to keep you motivated and maximize your skills and earnings.

Group Incentives

Think adds excitement and fun to selling door-to-door. Games and competitions help you stay driven to increase your sales and earning potential. You also have the opportunity to win cool gear.

Get Started. Let's Talk.

Call us at 435-200-4994

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